Sopa de ...
Sopa de ... [atenció, avís important: amics dels animals – especialment del ‘millor amic de l’home’ - i ventres gastronòmicament sensibles, ABSTENIR-SE DE SEGUIR LLEGINT I DE MIRAR LA SEGONA FOTOGRAFIA.] ... gos. [estàveu avisats/avisades, COI!]. El gust i l’aspecte general (1), simplement com menjar sopa calenta de qualsevol altra carn. Després, la coincidència en passar davant de les escombraries a tocar de la cuina del restaurant, una visió (2) que confirma l’ingredient de base de la sopa de gos [repeteixo, estàveu avisats/avisades, RECOI!]
Informació extra, amb frase final es-pec-ta-cu-lar!:
‘Many have heard that Koreans eat dog meat and this is true. However, dog is not a common food and most Koreans have never eaten dog. People do not cook dog at home: it is only served at restaurants which specialize in this kind of meat. You will not be inadvertently served dog when eating out or in someone´s home and people certainly do not catch dogs on the street and cook them. Dog meat is primarily eaten for men who want to increase their energy and/or increase their sexual stamina’. Extret de: Culture Shock Korea, Sonja Vendahl i Ben Seunghwa Hur. Marshall Cavendish Editions. 2005.

Informació extra, amb frase final es-pec-ta-cu-lar!:
‘Many have heard that Koreans eat dog meat and this is true. However, dog is not a common food and most Koreans have never eaten dog. People do not cook dog at home: it is only served at restaurants which specialize in this kind of meat. You will not be inadvertently served dog when eating out or in someone´s home and people certainly do not catch dogs on the street and cook them. Dog meat is primarily eaten for men who want to increase their energy and/or increase their sexual stamina’. Extret de: Culture Shock Korea, Sonja Vendahl i Ben Seunghwa Hur. Marshall Cavendish Editions. 2005.

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